Sunday, June 14, 2009

good afternoon,

can you say very loudly Cancer Sucks! for all of you who have been so kind as t0 say i'm some sort of inspiration, it's a darn good thing you aren't around me today. The new treatment in my spine is time consuming but doesn't hurt until later...and then crapola, i've barely made it out of bed today..when you are hurting in every bone too much to get out of bed f0r chocolate, well, you know that means i'm a mess. can't read or hold a book or type for very l0ong, s0 sweet roger raised the tv in my room so it is high enough for me to see. mowstly i've been listening to old movies on it, NOW we kn0ow why we pay for all those movie chanels! and Sister Gail & Dreamboat Dakota the Wo0nder Lab came by for a nice visit today. so here's a toast to a pretty good, coould be worse day all things considered ;-) flowers from a month or so ago


Cathy L. said...

Happy to say it, dear Annie...


Here's to the healing qualities of chocolate (and may the Chocolate Fairy deliver it to you, so you don't have to get out of bed to go get it), a nice cuppa tea (and a way to drink it while lying down), and good movies (with thanks to your sweet husband for moving the tv so you can see it more easily)...

Hope you're feeling a bit better today.

Sending you *lots* of love from NH,
--Cathy xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Dear Ann,
You are in my thoughts, dancing, shining, glittering, smiling, resting, seeing, loving, believing.
You light the way.
You're in my heart.
The breeze is tickling your peace banner on the maple out front.
With love, an ol' chemosabe

Janice said...

You are often in my thoughts and will continue to be in my prayers. Yes, cancer does SUCK!
(still a Ph. D. student)