Monday, September 22, 2008

Glowing Day Three

Good morning! Beautiful day here in the Blue Ridge, early-morning-foggy as I drove through the mountains and over The New River and still got to the clinic on time. My radiation doc is a tall, strikingly handsome woman who wears very cool jewelry and is always pleasant and on time. So far so good :-) She says if I feel any side effects it will be most likely a bit of fatigue next week or so. My orders are to walk on flat surfaces and not fall down and break any bones...obviously, she does NOT know our house and neighborhood but i'm being a Good Girl.

Thanks so much for all the supportive comments, I'm so blessed to have this amazing web to keep up with all your encouragement and love!

1 comment:

Sam said...

Good luck with this round, Ann. Only metaphorical mountains for you for a while!